Rachael, age 37, Pennsylvania
My POTS journey began in April of 2023. I was diagnosed with COVID in March of 2023 and became a COVID long hauler. Unfortunately, I wasn’t recovering as well as I thought. I was having significant symptoms that were impacting my day daily. I’m an Occupational Therapist in a trauma hospital and returned back to work after being cleared from COVID. But, I was really struggling.
I went to my PCP with no true guidance apart from the recommendation to see a cardiologist because I was having significant tachycardia, shortness of breath and fatigue. I found a wonderful cardiologist who was able to quickly diagnose me with POTS after a few tests including BP assessment and an echocardiogram. I started physical therapy quickly after to regain my endurance. I was doing really well but had a few set backs that led to a significant flare a few months later. Thankfully, I did recover from my flare and was able to start a new physical therapy program that lasted one year that gave me my life back!
I am now having less symptoms after a year of hard work and determination. I returned to working out daily for symptom management and I have been working consistently again with little symptoms throughout my day. This is a lifelong learning process but I am gaining my life back with modifications and my own ways of doing things but at least I’m getting better each day no matter how big or small the steps are for me.
Christina, age 46, California
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