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POTS and Suicide

Research Articles

These articles appear in peer reviewed, scientific journals and are written by those active in researching POTS and other forms of dysautonomia.  When reading journal articles, it can be helpful to focus mainly on the abstract, introduction/background, and discussion section of the paper to get the main idea of the paper.

Pederson, Cathy L.* 2020. "Suicide is a Concern for the Chronic Invisible Illness Community." Journal of Health Science & Education 4(1):1-2. DOI: 10.0000/JHSE.1000176

Pederson, Cathy L.*, Kathleen Gorman-Ezell*, Greta Hochstetler Mayer and Jeffrey B. Brookings. 2019. "Development and Preliminary Validation of a Tool for Screening Suicide Risk in Chronically Ill Women." Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.

Brookings, Jeffrey B. and Cathy L. Pederson.* 2018. "INQ-15 Cutoff Scores for Suicidal Ideation Screening of Women with Chronic, Invisible Illnesses." Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2343

Pederson, Cathy L. 2018. "The Importance of Screening for Suicide Risk in Chronic Invisible Illness." Journal of Health Science & Education. 2(4): 1-5.

Pederson, Cathy L., and Jeffrey B. Brookings. 2018. "Suicide Risk Linked with Perceived Burdensomeness in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome." Journal of Health Science & Education.  2(1): 128. 

Pederson, Cathy L., Kathleen Gorman-Ezell, and Greta Hochstetler Mayer. 2018. "Assessing Depression in Those who are Chronically Ill." Counseling Today, 60(9): 38-43

Cognitive and psychological issues in postural tachycardia syndrome. 2018. ScienceDirect. Read Article

Brookings, Jeffrey B. and Cathy L. Pederson.* 2018. "INQ-15 Cutoff Scores for Suicidal Ideation Screening of Women with Chronic, Invisible Illnesses." Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2343

Pederson, Cathy L., and Jill Blettner Brook. 2017. "Health-Related Quality of Life and Suicide Risk in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome."  Clinical Autonomic Research. 27(2): 75-81. DOI 10.1007/s10286-017-0399-5

Raj, Vidya and Satish R. Raj. 2017. "Postural tachycardia syndrome and suicide: What we don't know." Clinical Autonomic Research 27(2): 69-70.

Pederson, Cathy L., and Jill Blettner Brook. 2017. "Sleep Disturbance Linked to Suicidal Ideation in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome."  Science and Nature of Sleep.  9: 109-115.

Shafqat, Muhammad et al. 2017. "Unexplored relationship of sleep disturbances linked to suicidal ideation and behavior in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome." Science and Nature of Sleep. 9: 199-200.

Pederson, Cathy L., Kathleen Gorman-Ezell, and Greta Hochstetler Mayer. 2017. "Invisible Illness Increases Risk of Suicidal Ideation: The Role of Social Workers in Preventing Suicide." Health & Social Work. 42(3): 183-186.

Pederson, Cathy L. and Greta Hochstetler Mayer. 2016. "The Tangible Effects of Invisible Illness." Counseling Today, 58(11): 56-59.